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Town Planning – Northern Beaches

Use one of our experienced town planners to get your plans through your local council – we can provide you with a town planner who knows and has already worked with the Northern Beaches council.

Our Northern Beaches Office

Northern Beaches, North Shore (Lower, Upper), North Sydney

3/7 Grosvenor Place
Brookvale NSW 2100

Call Alex and the team today on

Our town planners

  1. are experts in the Northern Beaches council regulations,
  2. will meet the requirements of your project and
  3. will match your budget.

Our town planners can help you with Northern Beaches council:

  • Letters and submissions to council on your behalf
  • Statements of Environmental Effects
  • s 4.55 (formerly s.96) modification applications
  • Clause 4.6 Variation of development standards
  • s.82 review applications
  • Heritage Impact Statements
  • Social Impact Statements
  • Desktop planning evaluation and advice.
  • How to improve on your DA approval
  • Rezoning applications
  • Review of development proposals (preparation of objections to development applications which affect you)
  • Unauthorized building work

Our town planners are experts in these Northern Beaches suburbs:

Our town planners have worked on many projects with Northern Beaches council – check our case studies for more information:

Allambie Heights
Beacon Hill
Curl Curl
Dee Why
Frenches Forrest
Palm Beach
Manly Vale
Mona Vale
Terry Hills




The more coordinated your approach to the whole process, the better the outcome will be. Very often designs are done without consideration for the building approval or end building costs. Project management of your building development from start to finish by a professional project manager and town planner saves you money every step on the way.

Corona projects are proud to offer high quality building design, town planning, project management and council approval services.

We can help you with a Statement of Environmental Effects

This must be submitted with your development application to council.

A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a written report that outlines the likely environmental impacts of a development application and must be submitted with your development application to council. A Statement of Environmental Effects details:

  • How the application will comply with council’s development control requirements (how the development will blend with the existing character of the locality),
  • The steps that need to be taken to protect your neighbours (from being overlooked or having their views interrupted for example),
  • The steps taken to protect the environment or lessen the expected impacts of the proposed development, and
  • Written information that cannot be readily shown on a plan or drawing.

All development applications, except those for designated development, require a statement of environmental effects to be submitted with the application to council.

Alex and Corona Projects can help you with the preparation of this report.

Types of project we specialise in:

Do you want to know what you can build on your land?

Has your application been refused by Northern Beaches council?

Has your council asked you to seek advice from your own town planner?

We can provide you with answers.


With over 500 projects completed and 25 years of experience in the business, we truly understand the building game and as a result we can offer you this guarantee:

Corona Projects guarantees that whatever you spend on our services you will save at least double in costs of your project.

We always add value to the project.

Adding Value Case Study Examples:

  1. Obtained a torrens title subdivision approval instead of strata title for a dual occupancy – $100,000 additional value for each dwelling.
  2. Redesigned a two storey carpark to an approved building to accommodate all parking on a single level – saved construction costs $800,000.
  3. Obtained s.96 modification council consent for an additional one bedroom apartment to an approved development – additional value $650,000.
  4. Negotiated a reduction of s.94 contribution imposed by council on a boarding house development by $180,000.


Project Managers

One point of contact from beginning to end.

Bringing Experts Together

A team of building designers, certified town planners, quantity surveyors, engineers, building certifiers and other experts with a proven track record at your fingertips.

Cost Savings

Because of our longstanding relationships with our consultants, partnering architects and builders, we are able to get you the most competitive prices.


The principal, Alex Machkevitch, has more than 25 years experience in Australia.

Always Available

Flexible working hours, available 7 days a week.

Obligation Free Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation is free, so contact Alex today on 0423 414 488 to arrange a free quotation.

Request an Obligation Free First Consultation

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Telephone (required)

Property Address (if applicable)

Give us a brief description of your project/requirements

Attach supporting documents (optional)
The more information you provide, the better we can respond to your enquiry.

Hold down CTRL to make multiple file selections.

Types of documents that you can send us:
Surveys * Floor plans existing or proposed * Drawings * Deposited plan * Sewer diagram * Council letters/notices/orders * Photos internal and external * s.10.7 Planning Certificate

Our Offices

Corona Projects Pty Ltd
ABN: 33 122 390 023

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Eastern Suburbs Office
Suite 106/35 Spring Street, Bondi Junction 2022

Northern Beaches Office
3/7 Grosvenor Place, Brookvale 2100

Miranda Office
Level 2, 29 Kiora Road, Miranda 2228

Marrickville Office
136 Marrickville Road, Marrickville 2204

Parramatta Office
Suite 19/103 George St, Parramatta 2150

Postal Address
PO Box 1749, Bondi Junction 1355

1300 059 624
0423 414 488

LinkedIn Corona Projects

Disclaimer: Architectural Services
Architectural services are provided by a separate stated legal entity Archispectrum Pty Ltd, which is the architect corporation or firm as per Section 10(3) of the Act using its architect, by that architect and under supervision of the stated architect of that firm and not by our firm; and
Our firm does not itself consists of or comprise of any architects.

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